You know in primary school when you looked at the beginning of your exercise book and the end of it and you can see how your handwriting had got progressively better. This is what it's like looking at photos I've been taking every time I see my name over the last four years.
Here are some from the last 6 months. I keep adding and taking away rules like; it's not allowed to be relating to me, I'm not allowed to write it myself or ask someone to write it specifically for a photo and I'm not allowed to go somewhere just because it has a 'Maria' in the name...
My Bus; San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico.
My Circus Lorry, El Chopo, D.F. Mexico.
The sleeve for my hit single; Outside Soriana, Condesa, D.F., Mexico
My Hotel's embroidered bedsheet; Tuxcla Gutierrez, Mexico.
We just disconnected the phone from by the door in our house because we never use it anymore, it had been there since before I was born. The numbers were written on later and the 'Maria' is my grandma. My Dad's priorities-sister, daughter, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, BFF, Squash Club... My mum didn't have a phone. There's a sticker with my sister's pager number stuck on the bottom, state of the art.