Monday, 30 September 2013

When you're four...

...there are only so many photos you can have taken before this happens:
He's definitely had enough of fake colouring in...
I love these but the shots we were aiming for are in the album 'PORTRAITS-school' on my Facebook page (link on the side of the blog). 

Monday, 16 September 2013

Hanging pictures.

We spent the day playing with power tools and spirit levels.
It's for the photography exhibition at W3 Gallery on Acton High Street. It's mostly work from Ealing and Hampshire House Photographic Society including some of mine. There's an opening 'soiree' on Thursday at 7 and a closing one on 6th October at 4. Come check it out.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Getting ready.

Working on getting the pictures when there isn't much natural light without messing up the quality..

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Band practice.

They practised playing Vallanato and I practised using my fixed lenses in low lighting by taking pictures of them practising.

Check out the rest of the band here.

Sunday, 8 September 2013


You know in primary school when you looked at the beginning of your exercise book and the end of it and you can see how your handwriting had got progressively better. This is what it's like looking at photos I've been taking every time I see my name over the last four years.

Here are some from the last 6 months.  I keep adding and taking away rules like; it's not allowed to be relating to me, I'm not allowed to write it myself or ask someone to write it specifically for a photo and I'm not allowed to go somewhere just because it has a 'Maria' in the name...

My Bus; San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico.
My Circus Lorry, El Chopo, D.F. Mexico.
 The sleeve for my hit single; Outside Soriana, Condesa, D.F., Mexico
 My Hotel's embroidered bedsheet; Tuxcla Gutierrez, Mexico.
We just disconnected the phone from by the door in our house because we never use it anymore, it had been there since before I was born. The numbers were written on later and the 'Maria' is my grandma. My Dad's priorities-sister, daughter, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, BFF, Squash Club... My mum didn't have a phone. There's a sticker with my sister's pager number stuck on the bottom, state of the art.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Great London Swim

Last weekend my sister was swimming a mile in the Thames in the Great Swim, I went along to show some support (hold her phone and wallet) and practice a bit of sport photography. (digital)

 quite hard to make this look like anything but severed heads and arms....

Monday, 2 September 2013

Notting Hill Carnival with Arawak Carnivals.

It was really hard to pick just a few photos from Monday, here are three of my favourites, love a bit of dazzling sunlight through flags and feathers. To see the rest of the photos from this set, follow the link on the side of the blog to my photography page on facebook. Click here if you want to get involved next year.